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Everything posted by G B L

  1. The setup I picked looked like it Could be adapted to your purpose. There is no direct listing for a Transit Connect.
  2. G B L


    Welcome sounds like you are fully engaged in the battle . If you are remembering the code number correctly this link has good info. https://www.yourmechanic.com/article/p0104-obd-ii-trouble-code-mass-airflow-maf-electrical-circuit-erratic-and-irregular-output-by-john-nelson
  3. Sounds like a great trip. Nice Pictures Maybe we should start a topic for great road trips?
  4. If the TC you are working on is a Gen 1 it has leaf springs in the back . This kit for a Ranger could be adapted and would help the Sag. MN-282_59516 Air lift ford ranger.pdf
  5. If it is humid and over 75 I will pay for the AC. My two Cats in the back seat are very demanding ( in the summer they are on board 400 miles a week!)
  6. G B L


    I suspect that There is enough money spent on health care right now to cover everybody if the voodoo was taken out of the system.
  7. G B L


    The wrecked tire was run flat or very low air for several miles and came apart. If it was mounting a bead leak could be the issue. If the tire was balanced on a computer wheel balance machine the computer tells the operator where to place the weights. Then the operator rechecks the balance. If the tire is out and the Rim is out then spinning the tire on the rim will help. The fact that the weights are adhesive style and steel requires more weight then the rim mounts . Have you had the truck out on the freeway? Take it up to 80, if it is nice and smooth then they have the balance correct.
  8. The Gen 1 has leaf springs. Some vehicles with leaf spring want a retorque on the u-bolts just to take account for the possible stretch. If there was going to be a problem it would have appeared by 55000 miles.
  9. Fifty 150 Great Video ! Think regular fluid changes are a good idea!
  10. If you have a fully loaded Van or Truck you run Max Psi 100% 0f the time. At least I do. Surprisingly Close!
  11. The real problem with the explorer tires was Ford was too cheap to have Firestone design a tire for the vehicle.
  12. I replaced The Continentals with these. https://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires.jsp?tireMake=Sumitomo&tireModel=HTR+A%2FS+P02+(H-+or+V-Speed+Rated)&partnum=16VR6HTRASP02XL&vehicleSearch=false&fromCompare1=yes I went to 215/60/16. Better ride Less noise and very acceptable handling . They also are the proper load range and are priced very competitively. When I mounted the set they were round and required very little weight to balance.
  13. It seems the world is in the Moving backwards mode. We are right there with you!!
  14. It is only cheapness that keeps the Tc from telling the driver the tire pressure. If the Bcm has the info then it could be displayed.
  15. I did not see that story. I will have to see what happened .
  16. Windguy what is the tread depth compared to your spare? Looks like they have at least a year left for you. You do not see any Snow in your driving?
  17. Electric fan Switch or Circuit ?
  18. In Vermont we call this the Good News Garage!
  19. The Continentals on My TC were thin at about 35000 miles .Most of the tirerack reviews are between 30000 and 40000 miles . My experience with road hazard seems to be dealer dependent. Windguy Did your dealer tell you the tread depth? Give us a picture of a front and Rear tire. Last Year I got a great deal on a Tire machine . Between the cars and trucks and Trailers in my fleet I have already paid for the machine. The Internet and free shipping has really made the tire experience much better.
  20. Still sounds like Ford and the dealership have work to do. The fact that there is no way for either operation to keep track of the recall does not speak well of the process.
  21. It is great that the Tc is repaired. I think that both the dealer and Ford are responsible for the mess up. The fact that corporate did not ask for the latches to be returned would allow a shifty dealer to skimp on the repair. It sounds like the dealer should do the other side sooner than later. I hope the next dealer is better. Maybe waiting to do the recall once the latch fails is the right approach. That way they must do the recall! Anyway great your issue is solved. Nice job with the rear reflectors
  22. Every body is correct here. If there is s combustion leak into the cooling system the Tester I have will tell you for sure.
  23. Well that is good to know . Just another thing that I will have to worry about !
  24. The heater's that go in the water jacket are usually 400 watts , because they heat the engine water directly. I put mine on a timer that comes on at 4:30 Am and runs for about 4 hours so the cost is minimized.
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