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Don Ridley

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Everything posted by Don Ridley

  1. Yes, Forscan saw it was already set to 03. I'm doing some more research to see if there is a DRL menu in the cluster. Probably not...
  2. I'm sure the spoiler design is for downforce on the wiper. This is why some Euro cars (Volvo, BMW) had large spoilers on the driver's side wiper. I installed a 2" longer wiper on my E350 van because the stock wipers barely clovered the the windshield surface area. The extra length and window slope on the passenger side caused the wiper to lift at highway speeds. So the monster TC windshield must have a wiper that accounts for the wind resistance.
  3. Sorry, I'm only familiar with Gen 2 TCs. Hopefully others will be able to help.
  4. The vehicle mileage is stored in the instrument cluster (IPC module) and this number can be changed with the right equipment. It's widely believed that there is another, secret, place the mileage is stored. In your case, the IPC mileage should match any other data. How many miles do you think you drove without a speedometer? You can increase the odometer using Forscan. You can also send the cluster to a third party and they can set it to any value for about $100. Right now Forscan is problematic becasue it is a Russian company and the sanctions are affecting them. If you are interested, review their website, forscan.org. You will need an adapter, the free Forscan software and an "extended" license fron Forscan to make the IPC modifications. A 2 month licnese is free but some have had problems getting one.
  5. I installed an AGM battery and it is has proven to be no better than the stock battery. I recommend going with a Ford replacement. You will get 4 or 5+ years out of any battery you choose so do what is most convenient.
  6. This may not be helpful, but I only have one diagram that shows the hazard lamp switch. This is from a 2016 North American spec TC. My van has SYNC 1 and a different center panel so there may be a significant difference from your van. hazards.pdf
  7. I have these DRL options in Forscan. Only a couple actually create or delete DRL. The others trigger DTCs or do nothing. I think 03 is the setting for configurable DRL.
  8. I looked at the options configured in the factory on several 2018s using ETIS and it lists "configurable DRL". So I think a 2018 and 2019 can be confiured to have a DRL menu in the center information display (between the speedo and tach). Forscan has settings for "configurable DRL" but along with the apporach light setting, my 2016 BCM firmware does not support these functions. I would have to update the firmware which has risks that may not be worth it. This is good reminder that if you are using Forscan, be careful not to experiment with settings that are not available in your TC. You can cause some errors that can be difficult to correct. I
  9. That tool works great for installing a new sensor. If you are trying to remove a stubborn, stuck sensor you need better access so you can use a variety of tools.
  10. Youtube has some good videos. Watch several to get some ideas. Cut off the electrical plug so you can use a box wrench. Apply heat Penetrating oil (these seem to only help lubricate AFTER the stuck item has been turned)
  11. I don't know where the extra 4 quarts of fluid came from. If it had been over filled, why didn't the previous drain fix it? You should try using Forscan Lite on your smartphone or Forscan on a PC. It will read DTCs and provide a means to troubleshoot sensors, valves etc.. You will need to buy a converter that plugs into the OBDII port but this costs less than 4 qts of tranny fluid. I have seen the Hill Assist warning appear when there was a communication fault on the network. There may be something similar going in in your TC since many faults appeared at once. Maybe this is why a power cycle temporarily fixed the problem. I have used Forscan on my phone to immediately check and diagnose errors out on the road (the phone app can read codes and parameters and reset DTCs).
  12. I'm pretty sure you need to click the write button. A status bar will appear with messages like writing block 1/6, 2/6 etc.....if I remember correctly. Then check for DTCs and clear any that the block writing process created. I would review all of the posts from those that were successful. Also check fuse 72 in the BCM (behind the glove box). See attached drawing to verify all the wires needed were in the connectors you attached. If you have done all of this then I'm out of ideas why your TC can't be configured for cruise control (I have never done this mod). Here is a good tutorial on using Forscan on central configuration (CC) vehicles. 2017 Escape FORScan CC Instructions.pdf - Google Drive cruise.pdf
  13. I forgot to mention that I had upgraded the firmware in my IPC to the latest version. I wondered if this was going to be critical and it appears that this is the difference between our results. My testing showed that 0 or any even number in Xxxx triggered the blue tone background (and half were KM/H and other half MPH), and odd numbers triggered the black background (also with KM and MPH settings). My IPC was originally from a 2016 TC so the firmware was several versions old. You may have to upgrade the firmware...send me a PM and we can talk about it.
  14. I don't know what settings Forscan changes when CC is selected using the drop down menus (central configuration). But I can see an XL without CC has a different setting in the IPC compared to every trim level with CC. XL w/o CC 720-01-01 0000 0001 2A with CC 720-01-01 0000 0142 6C Check the IPC (as built) and see of this data was changed from 0001 to 0142. This is a complete guess...but worth checking. You can manually the change the data without much risk (the IPC is very stable and doesn't seem to brick with unexpected configurations). The ELM327 adapter may be the problem. OBDlink adapters are Forscan recommended. Your adapter may not be performing the write function properly.
  15. You can try using a previous version of Forscan. Sometimes the new version fixes bugs for newer vehicles but breaks things on older vehicles. Go to the download page at the bottom and click on the Full Forscan v2 changes history. Check the IPC module configuration. It should show which "lights" are configured to illuminate.
  16. Did you click the "Write" button on the bottom of the page after you made the menu selection? Also, the ASL change says you must be in engineering mode. Select engineering mode in the upper left corner that currently says "Normal".
  17. The dealer can use the VIN to load the factory configuration into the unit. $255 is a reasonable price especially if they will load the configuration.
  18. The replacement radio may work without modification because many TCs have the same options. But you may need to activate or deactivate options like number or speakers, sat radio, etc.
  19. This document may help The file to too large (26MB) to post in the forum. Here is a link to my copy of the file (hopefully it works): https://1drv.ms/b/s!AqEP8g__L8wNoFd8hTTdIiE9pBok?e=KSXXV3
  20. The file to too large (26MB) to post in the forum. Here is a link to my copy of the file (hopefully it works): https://1drv.ms/b/s!AqEP8g__L8wNoFd8hTTdIiE9pBok?e=KSXXV3
  21. OBDLink EX for a wired connection, OBDLink MX for Bluetooth. I keep the MX plugged in and can quickly read codes and data whenever I want.
  22. Nobody knows and Forscan appears to only show IPC mileage. Many believe the PCM stores mileage and it is only accessible by official Ford software.
  23. Make a note of the miles you added on the new cluster. When you set the mileage add the extra miles to value from the original cluster . The vehicle mileage is stored in multiple places and you want everything to match.
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