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Don Ridley

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Everything posted by Don Ridley

  1. The transmission adaptive learning table can be reset with Forscan or IDS. This clears the learned shift points based on the previous driving style. But I don't know if it solves any problems. I also don't know if there are any side effects.
  2. The bushing on my 2016 is white. I think it is the newer version. At least I know where to look if it fails. Plus it is clean and should be ok unless heat is also a problem.
  3. The speedo is related to ABS because speed is calculated by wheel revolutions. ABS monitors wheel revolutions also. Unfortunately, even with good diagnostic tools (scan tool, Forscan etc.), you may be stuck taking this to a dealer to fix. If Forscan shows a communication fault with the ABS module for example, you still don't know how to fix it. Replacing modules on your own is complicated if not impossible.
  4. Regardless of what brand or type of wax you use, you must buy a tool like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002EQ96MG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_DJ41Fb9YWW12V?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Harbor Freight has their version for about $80. You should buy a couple of the Chemical Guysa application pads: https://www.chemicalguys.com/hex-logic-6.5-best-of-the-best-buffing-pads-everything-kit-8-items/BUF_HEXKITS_8.html?&gclid=CjwKCAiAt9z-BRBCEiwA_bWv-Nlw8cwmS61ytjwJ3s_aCXTKLz18rrAoka9LTfbXEFtLw-qppOiCchoCklIQAvD_BwE This tool allows you to polish and wax effortlessly. So even reapplying wax every couple of months is not a problem. Never wax a van by hand again! I use Meguiars polishing compound to clean dull spots and finish with Meguiars cleaner wax. Works well for my white van.
  5. Yes. Speed is calculated from tire size and number of revolutions. This data bit is sent to the IPC on the MS CAN and displayed. There is no resolution loss or calibration needed. Any calibration is done in the tire size data field. I did some research and also took apart the original IPC. The only adjustment you can make on the analog speedo is to change the starting point of the pointer. This is very tedious and requires disassembling the unit. Basically you carefully note the current ) mph position and determine how far it needs to move. Pry off the needle without changing it's position and reinstall in the new location. The shaft on the needle is not keyed. The IPC will reset the needle to the 0 mph position every key cycle. If your speed error increases with speed I have not found any way to fix or adjust this.
  6. The Snap On scan tool is very expensive and requires expensive updates. Only a shop can afford this due to volume and cost recovery of repairs.
  7. Many options on Amazon. Also check your local auto parts store for a rack of similar parts https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081T2X495/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_bjo1FbJHSZYNS
  8. Mine is off by about 1 to 1.5 mph at 60 mph. I never looked at the digital display on the old IPC. I have not found a way to adjust the analog gauge. This used to bug me but now I never use the analog gauge. A decades long driving habit has been broken.
  9. The wiper motor is controlled by the BCM. I think it gets pulse width modulated signals so troubleshooting in it may be complicated. Like GBL and I continually preach... You need a scan tool to work on these vehicles. The scanner may show an error code for the wiper (comm error or other). I use Forscan (free) and a $70 converter to connect to my PC or smartphone.
  10. Did you scan using a scan tool that can read DTCs? A good scanner can read fuel pressure and many other variables (PIDs). My 2016 will activate a start sequence once the key is turned. You don't have to hold it until it starts like we did in the past. Maybe this is why your starter keeps turning.
  11. Tasca. Good source for dealer-only parts especially if you are located on the east coast.
  12. Tasca. Good source for dealer-only parts especially if you are located on the east coast.
  13. The electric power steering is adjusted by signals on the high speed CAN. Steering feel is adjusted based on vehicle speed. A problem with the HS CAN could affect the power steering operation.
  14. I got that error message when I had a communication fault because I was reading engine parameters using Forscan. It must have been Forscan interrupting some signals by continuously displaying data that is not normally displayed. This is where you need a scan tool. I had no check engine light but there were comm fails DTCs.
  15. You need a scan tool to read the diagnostic trouble codes (DTC). Forscan works well but you need an adapter. One quick-fix to try is disconnect the battery for about 15-20 minutes. This will reset all the modules.
  16. Thanks for the update. FYI, in general, all Forscan changes in a TC must be made using the menu options not the "as built" data (i.e. 726-0-08 etc). Only the US cars and trucks could manipulate the individual registers and data bits to make changes. There are a few exceptions like the IPC and ACM, but overall you need to find a menu option and test if it provides the features you are looking for. No matter what you do....save the original configuration before making changes. Some changes cause problems that can't be undone by changing the items back to original and you must load the original configuration file to fix it.
  17. It may be possible to set the duration of the power port timeout using Forscan. I know this can be done on F150 trucks. I did not notice this option in Forscan on my 2016 but the 2020's have updated software and functions. Then only way to find out is to connect Forscan and see what's available.
  18. Note that the dome lights turn on and off by slowly dimming. Ford calls this theater lighting. The lamp has +12v on both terminals when off. It turns on by slowly lowering one terminal to 0v (ground) and off by raising the voltage to +12.
  19. Here is info on the DTC U2101 - Ford Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Definition, Causes and Diagnosis (dtcdecode.com) Try resetting the PCM using Forscan. Another way to reset everything is to disconnect the battery for 10-15 minutes. Don't do any recalibrations....just a module reset.
  20. drey, I agree you may have a mis-configuration in the BDYCm or IPC modules. You load configurations using the "as built" version of the modules. You can load the backup you have saved (good job saving this!) or you can get the factory configuration from the Motorcraft website (newer versions of Forscan have a button that will do this). Here are some tutorials you should read to make sure you do things properly. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-8dKaS_Spu4Zw4hV_CrKC4tLoP9G8yejqegF1wxIqxY/edit http://www.2gfusions.net/showthread.php?tid=4573 Motorcraft site: https://www.motorcraftservice.com/asbuilt (you need to enter the country and accept cookies, then logout and try again to get access..or some other steps to gain access. This should be covered in the tutorials)
  21. I have a passenger wagon, not a cargo van. Your van probably does not have rear speaker wires from the factory.
  22. This may help. 2016_Transit_Connect Dimensions_v1-0 (2020_04_04 01_55_33 UTC).pdf
  23. I googled your PN and it is for a Transit....not Transit Connect. This is a problem. Search for the PN you got from the dealer.
  24. Are the 2014-2017 or 2018 cruise control steering wheels the same? Did you buy a 2016 steering wheel? The error message implies something in the steering wheel is not compatible.
  25. FYI there are couple of screws along the outer edge of the panel. Their removal is self evident.
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