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Everything posted by G B L

  1. I am with you they probably had an alarm system in the TC.
  2. Don't forget to check for bad grounds, this car has lots of places with grounds and they can cause lots of issues.
  3. What is the RPM in 4th when you are at 70?
  4. Check the weather stripping on the cowel vent . If that is compromised then the water will run down through the heater on to the floor. Check the windshield also.
  5. Which gear and how fast are you going. What do you mean by this?
  6. What year is your tc and do you have a picture of the TC and the Engine?
  7. For me the work shop is more important, I use a CAT!
  8. If the thermostat was changed the by pass was also changed. Before going too much further a combustion leak test will tell if you have a pressure prob in the engine. Make sure the proper bleed procedure has eliminated all the air in the cooling system.
  9. You don"t want those 18"s for the winter. 215-60-16 work well. Check Tire Rack they have wheel and tire packages. When I purchased my winter set I found a Alloy wheel at almost the same price as a steel wheel with lugs and did not need caps
  10. The swap time depends on your equipment. If you have a lift the power train comes out the bottom.
  11. that is where the thermostat on this engine is , The upper hose does not have the Thermostat.
  12. You know you could get a 2.0 short block for what you already have and see what happened.
  13. You say the thermostat has not been replaced. If so you should replace it. This thermostat has a bypass valve and if it does not work the water flow will never get to the radiator .
  14. It's a 2 .0 here but not an echo boost. only 162 Hp Less than my 2.5 with less torque. A 2.0 Echo boost with 200-220 Hp would be what I would want if they upped the internal parts to take the stress.
  15. If they offered a 2.0 here I would definitely be interested. How much power do they have and is that available to you ?
  16. You EU guys are lucky way more choice! Mine rolled 100K this week end.
  17. Pay attention to how it shifts and check the color of the fluid. Have a good scan of the tPCM with a high end Scan tool
  18. Do you have a boost pressure gauge, to see what the boost pressure? You need a good scanner and a road test data recording session. My scanner won't reach the EU
  19. You need to take a ride with a good scan tool recording the function of the charging system to see what the battery voltage is during your cycle. If the voltage is less than 13 with all the accessories operating then the charging system is faulty. If the voltage is not low then the battery is not being discharged at a high rate. I suspect some of the problem is the constant high temp in the battery compartment. When you changed the batteries did any one pull the cover to check the water? If the cells were dry then it is a temp issue. The location prevents checking the battery water.
  20. Nice rig. You have a 2 litre rated at 136 Hp, there is no real way to make more Hp with out raising the RPM's or installing some type of forced induction. Both options will put more stress on the 4 Speed gearbox . Make sure the cup holders are clear and buy better coffee for the Ride.
  21. Cool you are on the right side of this project now. Did you get a refund from the Junk yard?
  22. If you used the existing headlight wiring to run relays you could set up high load circuits for the bulbs.
  23. Sorry to hear the rest of the story. Did you at least get a refund from Auto Zone?
  24. I wish i could get a ride in the tc, there has to be an answer. if more information please let us know.
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