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Everything posted by Willie

  1. Welcome! There are several ideas here on the forum ranging from the simple (cots) to the complex (cabinets).
  2. I have some to sell. $15 plus shipping. (I will not even charge a "handling fee"!!! Ha!) If interested send private mail.
  3. Welcome. Your expertise on wheels and tires will be very helpful.
  4. Thanks for thinking of us. I bet someone here will want them.
  5. welcome. This is not the most active of forums, but some good information occasionally. You may want to cruise through some of the more pertinent old posts.
  6. Okay, so we know you have great taste and a keen intellect! Seriously, welcome and I hope you enjoy yours as much as I do mine.
  7. Thanks for the useful post Pat, and please do keep us informed of your future experience with the mod.
  8. Or if you'd prefer I can supply a stock wheel cover. Send me a private message.
  9. Johnny: I'll send you a private mail because this is not of interest to the general forum. See the private mail thing in the upper right corner. Willie
  10. Hey,I do not own stock in the company! Just mentioning an option because the guy asked.
  11. Agreed that, what I call, the Army brown is an interesting and fun color, but that pale blue-grey will be so much easier to keep clean and also will soak up less heat when parked in the sun.. Hey my second car is also a Miata! Talk about opposites!
  12. See my post on Nokian in tires section. This company is considered to be among the best in snow tire manufacturing worldwide. but I can't really say since I've never driven in snow since buying them. My Nokians are not snow tires but all season.
  13. Keep your foot out of it and your gas mileage will improve. The TC also seems to not do as well on ethanol gas. At least that's my experience. I like your hubcaps (similar to my own).
  14. I have the same hubcaps but with a red stripe. The chrome looks better with your color though. Mine is silver.
  15. Willie


    Gee Jim, you've got me baffled on that one. I am assuming the van is sitting close to level and that you are inserting the dipstick completely each time. I know you are, I just mention these in order to cover all bases. My readings have been pretty consistent between changes, right at the top of the acceptable range. For what its worth I always change the filter with an oil change and generally add the whole five quarts. A half quart difference either way is not a concern to me. Others have different opinions, I'm sure.
  16. But this is once and done, correct? You can't have a continuous readout.
  17. Though I have not tried it, I don't think it would be difficult at all. There are several strong points where you could place a bolt for an anchor. Funny you should ask today, as I have just finished rigging my cots for a short camping trip.
  18. Willie

    Just Joined

    HI Matt. Hope you find what you are looking for. The forum has been oddly quiet lately, but it will probably pick up soon.
  19. Well, it's an entirely different vehicle. I guess some will prefer it to the current and others not. The start-stop thing does sound like a winner, however, as do any other gas mileage improvements the U.S. market may get.
  20. I believe it is actually a Mazda design.
  21. Good comments, Westy. I, myself, am not too concerned about lack of acceleration, but I sure would like one more gear to bump up my gas mileage on trips. I'm not sure if I would pay more for a diesel or not. I guess it would depend on the initial price difference. It looks like the big Transit will get a diesel. As for the styling, like it or hate it, the industrial-almost military looks of our TCs were certainly distinctive. Now it will become just another minivan trying to look sporty. Well, it will be more mainstream, so that might help sales to families. I wouldn't want one.
  22. Why difference would it make if Ford offered a liftgate previously or not? I still wouldn't want one regardless. I'm glad I got a TC before they changed them.
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