I am with mrtn on this. replaced a set of rainx latitudes with the icons. The icons work but left a lot to be desired in heavy heavy thunderstorms. I have now switched the icons out for a set of trico flex beam. I really like the rainx latitudes and the bosch icons were not to awfully bad, but the tricos are just down right pathetic in a good hard 18 wheelers pulling off the road type downpour. At least the icons allowed me to still halfway see in this situation, but never had a problem with the latitudes.
Now with the latitudes I did not have any streaking till they were just about ready to be replaced. The Icons would make a up and down swipe with very minimal streaking while on a delayed wiper setting only. The trico is nothing but a windshield streaking machine, they leave more streaks than water they remove.
These are just my experiences with these 3 name brands on my 2012 TC. Yalls experience may differ. I can not comment on how well these wiper blades remove bugs as I clean my windshield every night before I leave the house for my route, and if need be I clean it again about the halfway point of my route.