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Middle row stuck, down

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I have a 2014 Transit Connect and the back support portion of the middle row is stuck in the folded forward position. It's the two seat section behind the driver. No matter how hard I pull on either strap, even with driver's seat forward and pushing down on the seat or pulling up on the seat... it just won't budge! Anyone have a thought on this?

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The seat folds down and then moves forward a two step process.

Is the seat in the forward position? Or is the back just folded down.

If it is forward it has to be moved to the back and then the seat back can be pressed

down and unlocked.

Good luck. Keep us posted

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  • 6 months later...

I'm currently having a related problem. I can raise the seat from the floor, but the seat back won't budge from its folded position. It has happened a few times now, and previously after driving around a while and just trying it again, it worked. It's been stuck like this for days now, though.

Overall, I love the functionality and driving dynamics of the TC, but I haven't been impressed with the finish/QC. I've had the passenger side sliding door fixed twice (once before I even took delivery, which maybe should have tipped me off), and now the seat problem. I've only had the car six months.

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The seat must be fully back. sometimes when it is just moved back it will not trip the latch enough to allow the

seat back Latch to opperate. When this happens to me the most likely cause is I have neglected something under the seat. I sometimes get into the back and push the seat to the rear with my knees while pulling the seat back strap. I am not sure

this will work for you but it usualy works for me. Let me know if this helps

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....I can raise the seat from the floor, but the seat back won't budge from its folded position. It has happened a few times now, and previously after driving around a while and just trying it again, it worked. It's been stuck like this for days now, though.....

I managed to cause a similar problem when I removed the seats from my 2015 wagon and was preparing them for long term stowage. There seems to be an interlock type arrangement between floor latches and the seat back release. I forget the exact sequence, but the solution ended up being using a screwdriver to shift the latch to the opposite position then the seat back would release.

In your situation, I would take a look at the latches as you put the seat into the raised position. The latches clicking onto the bars on the floor mount should trigger the seat back release. If the latch triggered prematurely on just one side, which is what I think I did by accident, it could be getting the sequence of releases jammed up. You should see the latches in an open position during the transition, and then shut around the mount pins at each end position.

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I just purchased a used 2014 TC LWB Wagon. When the salesman tried to unfold the middle seat (it was in the folded down position) it would not release. I tried it, another salesman tried it with no luck! They replaced the entire rear seat frame under warranty. I take delivery tomorrow so I'll check it out for sure. Makes me think there might be a faulty seat frame at assembly?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Has anyone had success with the technique that Ccrew described? If so, could you describe it to me a bit more?

My middle row (behind the driver) got stuck down. It took over two months for the replacement frame to come in. I dropped it off. They replaced it.

And the other side got stuck.

So now I'm waiting again, but it would be great if I could figure out how to put it up if needed in between now and whenever the second seat comes in.

Thanks a lot!

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  • 7 months later...

Older thread - but just experienced this myself.

In my case - the seat base would return to its position ('60' portion of the 60/40 middle bench) - but the back wouldn't pop back up. I found a cable (think bicycle brake/shifter cable) connected to a latch near the front of the middle portion of the base. Worked that by hand once or twice, which freed up the mechanism to unfold the seats...

I realize that's probably as clear as mud - but if you look underneath the seat base with a flashlight, you should be able to locate what I'm talking about.

Hope it helps somebody out...

Edited by eyesofthejackal
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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had this happen to me in the past twice...and it just happened again. All 3 cases were due to cold temperatures. First 2 cases below 10 degrees F. This time, below 20 degrees F, so may be getting worse. Last night I had to take a trip with my kids and one didn't have a seat. Put heat on high for 30 minutes and seat back would release and be able to be raised.

Will look to find this cable. Any way to post a picture?

Anyone know a fix so that we don't have to put up with this crap? or spend money to replace with a seat that will do it again?

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  • 2 years later...

I know this is an old thread, but this just happened to me, and I figured it out.


***Sticking occurs when the lower pull cord does not fully retract.***


There are 2 pull cords on the seat back.

1. The lower pull moves the entire assembly up against the driver/navigator’s seats to fold or, back up to seating position.


2. The upper pull controls the seat-back to fold back and forth, to flat. 

My lower cord needed to retract another 1/2”, which freed the upper cord.


To make the lower cord retract, I pulled it out lightly then just it let go when it felt like there was some tension. This made the spring pull it in. Took a couple tries, but you’ll know when it pops in. 

Hope this saves someone a bit of frustration. Thought I was going to need to pull the seat apart.

Edited by Gbisk
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  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...
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  • 2 years later...

I have a 2014 transit connect and my middle row seat has been stuck since I bought the van in 2019. I have successfully been able to pull up one seat or the other sometime but not in months. Is this a defect on the vehicle? Is it something that has been recalled that I can take in to a dealership? If anyone has any tricks or suggestions, please let me know.


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  • 4 months later...

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