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Ford Transit Connect Forum


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Everything posted by robertlane

  1. Yes, this is a rebadged van that Chevy us tossing into the U.S. market to have something to offer. It is in fact a Nissan NV family member.
  2. Hi and welcome to the Ford Transit Connect Forum. What will you be using your Transit Connect for?
  3. Hi and welcome to the Ford Transit Connect Forum
  4. Welcome to the Ford Transit Forum. I am here in Wyandotte, Michigan and if you want to test a vehicle for cold weather conditions, this was the year! How about posting a photo of your Transit Connect
  5. Can you post a photo? Is the clip where the prop rod stem missing or ?
  6. Looks sweet. What do a set of four wheels generally go for?
  7. Way cool trick to use Volvo wheels on the Ford Transit Connect! I never would have guessed that these would have fit so nicely.
  8. Check with Benny at the Ford Super Center - they offer employee pricing: http://www.boss302forum.com/forum/231-levittown-ford-super-center/
  9. Chris - any updates on the purchase of the Ford Transit Connect?
  10. From what I understand, you might not be able to add a roof rack to all 2015 Transit Connects (certain models) because of the air bags.
  11. That's a neat color - they offered something like that (not as nice) on the 1973 Mustang. Did they say how long it would take for it to arrive? What are you plans for it? Commercial/fleet or more consumer oriented?
  12. Has anyone purchased or ordered a 2014 Ford Transit Connect yet? If you have, what are the details or your order: color, options, when is it due?
  13. There's some really cool colors now being offered - two different yellows - three different blues, two silvers and more. Has anyone purchased or ordered a 2014 Ford Transit Connect yet?
  14. That might be a huge undertaking if the wiring isn't already in place - I'm betting a lot of module changes too. I wouldn't know where to begin Let us know if you're going to take this project on.
  15. Feel free to post up photos of your Ford Transit, if you haven't already. Here's a tutorial: http://warnerrobert.com/forum_tutorial/forum/2-tutorials/
  16. It seems a lot of tires are ribbed without side channels.
  17. Welcome to the Ford Transit Connect Forum We're glad that you're part of the community.
  18. Hi, David. Welcome to the Ford Transit Connect Forum
  19. Hi, I see that this is your first post here. Welcome to the site
  20. Ford dealers in the U.S. don't seem to be very well educated about the Transit Connect - maybe because it's close to being purely fleet? I think the 2015 model will be a different story though and we'll see more technology enhancements.
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