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Everything posted by Loafer

  1. Yah mrtn, I was wondering about that. That's good to know. I was concerned that the built in bracket points might not support extra weight. With the heavy duty roof rack, and the added cargo basket, plus cargo it's easy to exceed 225 lbs. Fortunately the cargo in the van plus my son's weight helped to stabilize the extra weight on the roof. I believe he has driven enough across the country in most geographical and weather conditions safely that he knows the limits of the van. He is headed to Oregon next. Last year he fell in love with the southern states especially Florida. This year he is doing the same on the west coast.
  2. I seem to remember reading here that the Transit Connect roof weight limit was 225 lbs. Can anyone clarify that?
  3. I guess it all depends upon your financial status. If it's good, and I suspect it is, then the Goal Zero Yeti might be a good choice. In this economy we do depend upon on more financially able persons to purchase new items on the market; thereby, eventually driving prices down. There are other choices and the folks here will be glad to share them with you. Beta Don is a hitter here on the forum and his advice is well taken. This is a very helpful place and given a few days you will likely have many options to consider. Thanks for the inquiry. We all benefit as a result.
  4. Although this perhaps only marginally applies, my son crosses the desert fairly regularly between Colorado and Cali in his 2012 TC using 5W20 with a 1000 lb plus load with no apparent problems. Even in this most recent heat wave he had no problem. His 2012 has a 2.0 engine with a four speed auto tranny. He uses standard Ford recommended products. He changes oil every 5000 miles.
  5. MLB, of course they will make it sound better. We cut a hole in the bulkhead to mount our rear speakers . They point slightly forward. Before you put rear speakers in, you may wish to change out your front door speakers with higher quality 5 inch speakers. No modifications were necessary, ours fit right in. It will probably do everything you want it to do. If not, then install rear speakers on the bulkhead up high. We went with a pro system but that is not necessary. High end stuff is not cheap. The pro systems can cost $3,000.00 bucks and up. Unless you're an audiophile it's unnecessary.
  6. Thanks for sharing your experiences BSUPC. The information available varies widely on the net. It's just experience that I trust most. Since the industry recommends changing the blades every six months, the blade that works best does not necessarily have to be the most expensive. I'm looking for something that works well with easy connectivity.
  7. I'm still interested if anyone has used the Bosch Icon wiper blades and the experience they have had with them. Thanks.
  8. Thanks for the added info mrtn
  9. Scratch the surface and now we live in a Fascist police state run by an oligarchy. What precious little Democracy is left is mocked by the facade of freedom and masked by a dazzling fireworks display. We're not all stupid!
  10. Hey kizdog87, welcome to the forum. There are some good folks here that will help. There are lots of van owners here that convert their vans to suit their dogs as a good owner should. Enjoy, there's lots of fun stuff that happens here.
  11. Hey, thanks BSUPC I have one ordered. I appreciate the instructions too.
  12. That's interesting BSUPC, because I asked the dealer and they replied there wasn't one. I got off the crazy train at the last stop so I do not argue or challenge and just expect "blow offs" as a normal part of the day. Then I go about handling the issue in a rational way. Thanks for the tip
  13. mrtn, durn, sumpins' up in the woodpile!
  14. mrtn, Ford dealership tells me that there is no filter for outside air coming into the cabin on the 2012 TC. With respect to front door speakers I have switched them easily using 5" high end speakers.
  15. Hey JohnnyV welcome and congrats on you new 2016 TC. You are in good company here because we all love our TC's too Consider this forum as an adventure where you will discover the good, quirky, and things that you will only respond with, really! The level of help and skill here is substantial. Enjoy your path of discovery
  16. I wonder how many other inelegant solutions there are in the TC? Are there any other weird tricks that we should know about.
  17. jrm223, I like the third video sound better too. Someone somewhere will have a brainstorm and ultimately improve the exhaust sound of the four cylinder.
  18. Quality back up camera that gives good night vision as well as day.
  19. Rear sliding panel or window with screens. Inside air filter Raised roof. Traction control on/off switch Fantastic Roof Vent Insulation package remote start better stereo speakers
  20. Oil additives are not recommended by Ford. Yet, their oil change locations encourage them for the TC. So what's up with that?
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