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BSUPC last won the day on December 16 2023

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  1. After looking at all of the codes, most of them point towards an electrical issue. Not sure how long the van sat before being auctioned off, but I would start by checking all of the wiring harness for issues. Could be that the rats had a good time chewing up the wires for you. And while you are digging around chasing the harness I would check all of the grounding straps as well. Would also not hurt to put the battery on a good battery tester as well.
  2. What is funny is having to remove all of these spam bots while having to close all of the spam advertisements on this site.
  3. Just took out 2 more.
  4. The spammers have been busy today on this forum. So far I have knocked out 5 spammers that all joined today, and a collective 30 posts between them. Just took another one out as I am typing this out. I am doing the best I can, but if I miss some just report them and I will get them knocked out as soon as I can.
  5. I moved this post to the towing category so that it may be found easier by others later on down the road.
  6. Glad to hear that you got it figured out and resolved.
  7. This is a nice write up. Thank you for creating this for the community.
  8. I have been lucky and never had to use floor jacks and jack stands on ours so I can not give much help on this. But one thing I can help with is this, If you do not feel safe doing it then it is not safe. It's that simple.
  9. Thanks for chiming in Don. I have no clue why my brain over looked the scan tool. As much as I use mine you would think I would think of that first to try. lol This is why I love this group. We all think of different stuff.
  10. Hmm. If it is worn in that area could it be possible that a gap between the sensor and the tone ring has developed ? If that has happened it would cause the sensor to have a false reading triggering the light. It requires a pretty tight tolerance.
  11. Did you by chance unplug the sensor during the bearing swap ? If so I would start by checking that it is plugged back up. And I know you said the bearing was pressed back in the proper way but the only other thing I think it could be is the bearing is backwards. Was the tone ring facing up at you when you pressed it back in ? These are the only two things I know it could be other than a damaged sensor. Maybe one of the others will have more ideas.
  12. I still have other vehicles. Just moved the tote to the new work vehicle when I got it. Still looking at vans to replace the Money Maker. But no luck finding the right one so far that meets all my demands.
  13. Wow I completely forgot about this. I never did do the inventory. We must change this. I am writing it down on the big board for later today when I wake up. So with that said I will probably take me till June 24, 2019 to get it done. lol
  14. That was a good story. But I must say that you lasted longer than I would have. You made it to the 4th, I would have been packed and moved after the first. lol I'm just a hop, skip, and a jump up the road from ya davidparker in North Carolina.
  15. Hit a deer in my 2012 last year at 50 mph with $8,600.00 in damage and a total loss. I feel yalls pain. :(
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