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G B L last won the day on June 7 2024

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  1. G B L

    Water leak

    A Picture would be helpful, we do not have that engine over here. if the coolant gets too low bad things can happen.
  2. G B L

    Water leak

    What year and which engine? Can you get a photo of the housing?
  3. This will require a Good Scan tool or For scan to figure out.
  4. Understandable. The rubber oil pump drive belt in the 2.7 kind of lets you know where things are headed.
  5. This is is designed to do what you want. Put it on the front O-2 sensor it should help with the code. Lots of people sell them.
  6. This is the Hand truck I have in My TC . Serves my purpose and stores almost any where
  7. Is the engine running different than it has in the past? Is there any sign of contamination in the oil? If the answer is no then a code scan is in order. Then a static pressure test of the cooling system would be next. How many miles are on the TC? The Head gasket replacement will be a sizeable job Involving the front engine cover and cam shaft timing chains , Intake and exhaust manifold removal. It could include a valve job for the head . All the hoses and water pump need to be checked and the radiator end caps need to be looked at. If nothing obvious is found 1/2 a bottle of this won't hurt and could save the Day. I have used this as a permanent fix more than once! Good luck and update us when you can.
  8. Sounds like the first thing is a good scan with Forscan or a good scantool. Pull The ABS Motor fuse and see if the lock up is stopped. Does it lock up if the brakes are used with the power off? keep us up dated, Thanks.
  9. My TC is a 2014 , I used this to reattach mine in early 2015, and that has been the end of that!
  10. Sorry I copied it from your post. But it is still worth while.
  11. There are some corners of the US that are doing a lot of towing with small front drive cars to fight the weirdness!
  12. That is great out come. If you put enough stuff in your TC like I have you won't be able to see the back windows any way!
  13. The front and rear are filled from the same place the hose for the rear goes over the right front door all the way back to the rear barn doors. Their is a splice near the on the top of the door which leaked on mine . Sounds like there is a blockage in the hose or the nozzles at the back. Pull a hose off at the back and see if the fluid comes out. Hope this helps. Mine is a 2014 so I hope they did the same on yours.
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