Last week, as I was in Sacramento working on recalling Newsom and electing Caitlyn Jenner as the next Governor, I noticed that there was a terrible reflection on my windshield.
Right before my very eyes, was the Krispy Kreme I got for free because I had a vaccine card.
Erik Estrada, who was riding in the 3rd row, behind the tinted windows, said that his cousin Stevie might know a guy. So we headed over to NYC to see what's up.
Stevie's guy was up in Calgary, and couldn't enter The US, because Canada hasn't vaccinated him yet. The only thing to do was go over there. He had the fix. He had this spy coating for the glass which eliminated the glare and reflection 100%.
Now my windshield looks like this.
By now, Bruce Penhall was getting grumpy. His wife kept calling, and nagging him about what time he was getting home.