Hi All.
Thanks for tips. Even using a pry bar I could not get my spare wheel to come down more than an inch.
Its not rust just a failed and jammed mechanism.
As all the lifting bits are above the actual spare wheel and can't be got at, major action was called for.
I put the rear of the van on jacks enough to get under and give me a bit of head room.
From underneath using a 4" angle grinder and steel chisel I carefully ground/chipped away the centre steel assembly that was holding the wheel up till it was smaller then the wheel centre hole.
Be out of the way when the wheel and tyre are free as it will just drop to the floor.
Once off I removed the jammed mechanism and replaced the whole assembly with a new one.
Since the grinder was inches from my face spitting metal particles I wore a welding mask.
Not the nicest job to do