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MLB last won the day on October 9 2020

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    U.S. Great Lakes

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  1. The plastics in the dash and elsewhere are frequently outgassing from heat of the sun. Find Windex very inadequate for inside windshield. The auto window sprays are very good, more alcohol I think, cuts the grime much easier.
  2. I'm reading of places that don't want to work on TC's because they are a pain. Want to replace my front struts and places want 1000-1200 in labor to put on struts. Why? PITA apparently. 1 place didn't want to be bothered. I"ve head the same about some under the hood jobs. Just not enough room to make things easy apparently?? I remember reading similar things about the PT Cruiser, that's it styling/design made it very unfriendly to work on. I'm at 85k and need to decide if it's time to back out and move on. Loved it so far and next to zero issues.
  3. I'm with you at 86,000 and still original. I"ve also had pads sitting here for 6 years after reading of guys complaining that they were replacing them at 30k miles yada yada...... obviously fully loaded with tools and lead feet.
  4. All the cargo vans come into the country as passenger vans and then the seats and windows are taken out. Theres a bolted in piece under the rubber mat that goes where the seat mounts used to be.
  5. How much will the trailer end up weighing is the pertinent question. You can add a surge brake to a trailer cheaply and easily.
  6. Both sets look great at 67k miles. I bought front pads 5 years ago after some guys (hauling 2,000lbs of tools apparently) screamed about horrible brake wear! LOL
  7. I've put the rears on but shops want $900-1000 to install front struts! WTF?
  8. our linen service guys tall Transit 350 blew over on the highway during a storm a few years back. He hates it. I bought Bilstein shocks front/rear to put on my 16 and was stunned at the 1,000 quotes to install front strut cartidges!! WTF??? Is this thing a nightmare to work on? Ala PT CRuisers? Not a lot of room in under the hood. ???? 65k on mine and i'm wondering if I want to keep it long term. Nice to hear of your good record. Another guy here with 300k or close. 2.5?? Mines been flawless and I love the little thing. But it's also worth 20k. Hmmmmm
  9. My 2.5 16 has 65k on it and has never needed a thing. You can fix 2 big problems for 2500 and you aren't likely to have more than 1 in 3 years. Pass
  10. Found a local glass shop that installed it for $150. Happy
  11. I bought 2 different tips. One is an exact match and the other is a little bit longer. I snipped the extra off and it fits and shoots water just fine. Problem is I can't get it to hit the window! I've messed with the tip position endlessly, it's the same angle as the other side that works fine. Spray goes too straight up versus angling enough to hit the window. I'lve cut one shorter to sit slightly closer to the window but that doens't fix it either. Annoying.
  12. Been on this for about an hour. I've broken the wire 3 times and many time more than that had the ends pull out. The junk handles from Van Windows Direct do NOT contain the wire ends, probably because the junk threads won't screw down enough to tighten around the wire. Real junk and annoying as hell ? Probably going to have to take it to a shop.
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