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About Drfeelgood

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    U.S. Northeast

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  1. OPINIONS NEEDED! Would you pull a 2,650lb. (260lb. Hitch wt.)travel trailer with a 2014 Transit Connect (class lll hitch) 2.5liter?
  2. I totally agree with you! Designer cars and clothing are a waste of money. I don't want to be defined by the car I drive or the designer label clothes. Besides my 2014 TC wagon that I bought used I drive a 2017 Honda Civic. Under 20k and it's a fine vehicle. If the designer clothes folk want to give me clothes( with their logo ) then I would wear their brand and be a walking advertisement for them, Otherwise I will continue to boycott any designer clothing with their brand on it!
  3. If you have a sunroof you should check the drain holes! If they are plugged with debris that might be causing the leak? Had it happen to me on a Subaru Wagon once.
  4. If you have a TC with a sunroof check the drain holes . If they are clogged with debris it can cause a leak!


  5. Dollar store door mats! I did my whole wagon for $6.00.
  6. Thanks GBL! Excellent info. To know. Looks like a small trailer might be a better/safer alternative.
  7. I have a 2014 LWB and would like to install a hitch and motorcycle hitch hauler. The bike weighs approx. 450lbs. And hitch hauler is 125lbs. Manufacturer says I need a class 3 hitch. Anybody ever done this? Wondering about rear suspension mods that might be needed? Any info.appreciated-please chime in with thoughts.
  8. I just purchased a used 2014 TC LWB Wagon. When the salesman tried to unfold the middle seat (it was in the folded down position) it would not release. I tried it, another salesman tried it with no luck! They replaced the entire rear seat frame under warranty. I take delivery tomorrow so I'll check it out for sure. Makes me think there might be a faulty seat frame at assembly?
  9. Hello All, I'm a retired educator. Vintage motorcycle enthusiast and all around motor sports fan. Just bought a used 2014 XLT LB Wagon. I was looking for a cargo van but this one was a good deal. Stumbled upon this forum and very pleased to see so much info. I'll be asking about hitch motorcycle carriers and replacing rear seats with one fold up. Look forward to sharing with you all!
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