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Jseda last won the day on March 18 2022

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    U.S. Southern Atlantic
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  1. Hello if you can post a picture of the back of your brake light where the 2 pins connector is located i could help you . Can't find a pictures from internet to show you
  2. Hello Don, I did the change today but didn't work for me, the ipc still the same, Ford logo and blue background But mine said 0000 0004 C9 before and now 2901 7004 C9. First I only changed 0004 to 7004 but no change.. then change to 2901 7004 but no changes also...
  3. Could be that change...! I just checked my TC and before I had 0001 2A and now I have 0142 6C. When I installed my new steering wheel with buttons also I installed the cluster from the same TC as the steering wheel but I just made a change in the BdyCM main, so my ipc came with the cruise control setting already..!
  4. Wow I don't know what else could be... I just Change only the CC option to with Cruise control. I don't remember any other change...
  5. Ok, When you press On/Off on the CC buttons, so you see anything change in the IPC display ...? Like a new symbol?
  6. I did the same change in cruise control but I didn't Change anything in adjustable speed limiter. I think mine was in not configured
  7. Can you post a picture of the forscan screen with the list of your modules...?
  8. That's different to my case because I'm using an aftermarket Android headunit. You have the original radio.. Did you try pin 5 from steering wheel to pin 7 fcdim...? And pin 6 steering wheel to ground..?
  9. Yes , I did I have a picture before remove original cluster so I will add what ever run before Change it ... Do you know I what other module are stored.. to read it with forscan..?
  10. Don Ridley, Thanks a lot for your help..! Here is my before and after pictures. Everything working, just need to update later the mileage to the actual and will play a little with the asbuilt to change the black background to compare.
  11. Yes I pushed the wire into the pins inside, didn't use connectors, just cut the wire tips straight and pushed in... if I find the right plug from a junkyard later I would like to put the 2 pins to the plug... Yes , it is Atoto S8 gen2 standard 8" floating screen ,single din chassis..
  12. I just confirmed my theory...! Steering wheel radio control buttons works without any SWC adapter..! I connected mine directly from clockspring pin5 to the back of my aftermarket Android headunit SWC key1 wire ,don't need the other swc key# wire to be connected .. and from clockspring pin6 to ground. My 2014 TC XL didn't came with those wires in the harness because came with basic radio am/fm and no buttons on the steering wheel.! This picture is the clockspring plug where I added to wires
  13. I tested the pins in the clockspring and they gave me different resistance on each button when pressed...! I just need to find a plug to pull those 2 pins to make a little harness to the key1 wire of my radio and the other pin to ground. I you get another speedo cluster , try to find one with less mileage than your... then with forscan you can add the remaining mileage to match your current one.. you can change it with forscan.. just adding, you can't lowered.
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