Could be that change...!
I just checked my TC and before I had 0001 2A and now I have 0142 6C.
When I installed my new steering wheel with buttons also I installed the cluster from the same TC as the steering wheel but I just made a change in the BdyCM main, so my ipc came with the cruise control setting already..!
I don't know what settings Forscan changes when CC is selected using the drop down menus (central configuration). But I can see an XL without CC has a different setting in the IPC compared to every trim level with CC.
XL w/o CC
720-01-01 0000 0001 2A
with CC
720-01-01 0000 0142 6C
Check the IPC (as built) and see of this data was changed from 0001 to 0142. This is a complete guess...but worth checking. You can manually the change the data without much risk (the IPC is very stable and doesn't seem to brick with unexpected configurations).
The ELM327 adapter may be the problem. OBDlink adapters are Forscan recommended. Your adapter may not be performing the write function properly.