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Sliding Door Stiff


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My sliding door has become quite stiff to close. I have come to realize the problem is that the part that slides through the track (pointed out in pic attached) is pivoting and so getting jammed in the track. Has anyone else ever encountered this? Any idea how to fix it? If not, even just a link to a guide for removing the sliding door would be helpful.


I think what might have caused this to happen is that the mechanism that the slider bumps over to stay in the fully open position has always been stiff, and so it requires quite a bit of force to get it passed when closing the door. And that force might have damaged the rail, the wheels, or the spring. So if anyone has any tips on how to make that mechanism that keeps the door in the fully open position less stiff, I'd appreciate knowing that too.


Thank you,


transit connect Sliding door jamming.jpg

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Thanks, will give that a try. I'm doubtful though, as it moves fine. The problem is actually that it moves too much. It shouldn't be allowed to pivot in the track, but it does. Almost like the wheel in the track has fallen off or worn down.




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