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Sliding door cable chain replacement link

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I had a broken link on one of my cable chains on my 2016 Ford Transit Connect. There is no easy replacement since the links aren't openable and the cable chain is part of the entire door wiring harness. Poor design, Ford. I thought of purchasing a standard sized chain but there are a few tiny design features that they incorporated into the Kableschlepp chains that made compatibility problematic.


I modeled an openable link (actually a closeable link - removing the clip is not recommended for wear reasons) and printed it in ABS that fits the stock links. I have had it installed and working for over a year now. I can print and ship them to you for $5 each + shipping if your cable chain is broken.


This comes after many iterations and practice printing really small, intricate ABS parts on my Voron 2.4.



1. carefully cut off broken link without damaging the wires running within. An angle cutters or other similar pliers works well.

2. Install the new link into the chain without the clip.

3. Install the clip onto the new link.

4. Done.


How to get them:

Send me a private message here or contact me on reddit at u/seshsgarage. I am happy to send you a chain link for $5 plus shipping. If you want 10 or more I can do them for $4 each plus shipping.



Edited by dgotc
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  • dgotc changed the title to Sliding door cable chain replacement link
  • 3 weeks later...

Mine has so many broken links that I'm unable to determine how many links I need for a repair...
Currently tucking cables up into place before final push to latch door.
How can I get a whole box of these from you?!

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