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GHDirect last won the day on September 3 2024

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  1. Hi All. Thanks for tips. Even using a pry bar I could not get my spare wheel to come down more than an inch. Its not rust just a failed and jammed mechanism. As all the lifting bits are above the actual spare wheel and can't be got at, major action was called for. I put the rear of the van on jacks enough to get under and give me a bit of head room. From underneath using a 4" angle grinder and steel chisel I carefully ground/chipped away the centre steel assembly that was holding the wheel up till it was smaller then the wheel centre hole. Be out of the way when the wheel and tyre are free as it will just drop to the floor. Once off I removed the jammed mechanism and replaced the whole assembly with a new one. Since the grinder was inches from my face spitting metal particles I wore a welding mask. Not the nicest job to do
  2. Hi All. My 2003 Connect 1.8TD van has a spare wheel that will not wind down. Therefore I suspect the wire winch assemble has failed which seems a common issue. I need advice on: 1/ How to get the actual spare off its mounting cable when it is high up underneath. 2 How do you remove/replace the offending winch assemble on my model as there are no tell tale rivets showing where its mounts. GHDirect
  3. Hi all. Need ideas as to what can be the cause of steady and serious clonking from rear on bumpy roads from my old 2003 SWB van. Some history. It a second vehicle only takes light loads and does about 2500 miles P.A. Sits around for days between use. Past year I have done the following repairs and something I have done could be the cause. I found the rear spring hangers had rusted through so ground off the rusty bolts replaced hangers along with new aftermarket bolts. Then had a shocker leaking so both got replaced. Then it had an MoT advisory on rear brake hub corrosion so replaced both sides with new assemblies. If you drive down an uneven road surface where the rear suspension has to do some light work there is serious clonking going on. You can feel it whilst driving. Its not the jack, rear doors, exhaust, fuel tank, spare wheel carrier. The knock can be encouraged if you sway the van down the road as though the axle is lose in some way. I thought springs and shackles not right but if you jack it up on a 4 post ramp with wheels hanging nothing found even with a lever bar. I then though perhaps rear anti roll bar so changed the two roll bar ball joints (not the bushes). No change. Anyone ideas as to what I have missed or where next to look. GHDirect
  4. Due to corrosion my van requires a new back plate for the offside rear drum brake. However I can't seem to find that item for sale other than with a complete rear brake assembly at high cost. Anyone know of a supplier for just the brake back plate
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