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About Cubit

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  1. Looks pretty good . I too live in BC ( 604 ) .I too bought a used TC - 2012 XLT - 69000km . Looks like new , so people say. I had the thing inspected before I bought it. I did the Car Fax check . I checked with the local Ford dealer re any work done under that VIN # and any recalls . I did online research re owner satisfaction and vehicle performance . That’s where I messed up. I didn’t spend enough time on the transmission problem section. If I were you I’d drop by the local parts supply shop or Canadian Tire and pick up a scanner( level ll or higher ) to plug into the van for some diagnostics . Then hop online and start tracing your error codes and potential repairs yourself before you head off to the mechanic. Would I go to the dealer with a 2010 ? No. Hopefully you know a reliable and knowledgeable mechanic. You’re going to need him . when I went to the dealer after my personal experience of “ limp mode “ from from 70 mph on the freeway, they all knew or did not express surprise about the problem . Your dry, dual clutch transmission will be the source of the bulk of your carnival display of warning lights on your dash. Don’t ignore them . ps you did check on the vehicle registration form that the van is not registered as a rebuilt ?
  2. New to site. I’m not sure if my earlier post will be seen as I just replied to a post in the transmission section that was not exactly on my topic. I’ve read a fair bit on Fords transmission problems . - not a big mechanic type guy . Long story short it seems the dry dual clutch auto tranny in the TC ( 2012 ) is the same sad creature that moves ( sometimes ) the Focus line. Successful class action against ford for selling an obviously flawed transmission in the Focus. Why not applied to the same model transmission in the TCs ? thanks
  3. New to site. Such a welcome wealth of information . My question concerns the auto tranny in the TC 2012 .To me ,reading various comments on this and other internet sites, clearly there is a major problem . Based on my reading it seems the auto tranny is the same as that in the Focus - yes ? For the Focus there is a successful class action for impacted owners . Why does this court decision not apply to the same transmissions in the TCs ? Thanks for your input .
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