Not yet. The bike fits with the center console in place but i do take out the arm rest when i transport the bike.
The front of the tire overhangs the console. If i ever get a bigger bike i plan to remove that and fit a wheel chock in its place.
This guy did something similar with a 2011 model -
This is my setup. 2016 SWB with a KTM 390 Duke in the back. It's a bit tight but, because the bike is on the smaller side, she does the job (if you don't mind having the front of a tire as your middle passenger)!
Figured it out!
Just rotate the armrest to a 60 degree angle and pull. Should slide right off.
If you are having trouble, try putting the armrest in the lowest position then (assuming your in the passenger seat) pull toward you while you rotate the armrest through its full range of motion. That's it!
Figured it out!
Just rotate the armrest to a 60 degree angle and pull. Should slide right off.
If you are having trouble, try putting the armrest in the lowest position then (assuming your in the passenger seat) pull toward you while you rotate the armrest through its full range of motion. That's it!
Does anyone know how to remove the driver side arm rest on a 2016 TC?
I'm trying to fit a motorcycle in the back of my 2016 TC and the front wheel (ever so slightly) pokes between the seats. Just enough for the arm rest to get in the way....
Hi All!
Just bought a 2016 TC!
I will be mainly using it to transport a motorcycle to and from various race tracks in and around Massachusetts. My old car was a Focus ST so its a big change but am so pumped to have a VAN!