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Everything posted by eyesofthejackal

  1. Older thread - but just experienced this myself. In my case - the seat base would return to its position ('60' portion of the 60/40 middle bench) - but the back wouldn't pop back up. I found a cable (think bicycle brake/shifter cable) connected to a latch near the front of the middle portion of the base. Worked that by hand once or twice, which freed up the mechanism to unfold the seats... I realize that's probably as clear as mud - but if you look underneath the seat base with a flashlight, you should be able to locate what I'm talking about. Hope it helps somebody out...
  2. Wagon - it's the 'family' vehicle that's used when EVERYBODY (myself, wife & 3 kids) needs to go somewhere together - and my new daily driver...
  3. Hey all - just wanted to introduce myself quick - just drove my new '14 Transit Connect XLT LWB home this afternoon - after spending a bit of time trolling here to confirm that I was making the right choice... Downsizing from an '05 Chrysler T&C (that was pushed to 183,000 miles). Any nuggets of wisdom and/or stuff I need to know? Otherwise, thanks all - happy to be here, etc...
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