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About dsmithnc

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    U.S. Southern Atlantic

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  1. On my 2013 TC the left rear door has a removable panel at the top near the inside edge of the door. I would assume that it is for installation of some work light or other acessory. I would like to obtain a replacement for it to use for an antenna mount so that I can retain the original for resale when the time comes. Anybody how what it is called or how to get a replacement? Thanks Dick
  2. dsmithnc


    Just bought a "previously owned" 2013 Transit Connect. Plan to use it for general use but also as a mobile communications vehicle for work with the Amateur Radio Emergency Services group I am affiliated with. Looking to build a removable communications desk that I can used for Emergency and Public Service work. I think I saw an online article about a Ham who built such a bench for his Connect, but darned if I can find it now. If anybody has seen it or remembers where it can from I'd appreciate knowing about it. Dick
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