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CrazySwede last won the day on January 18 2014

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About CrazySwede

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    U.S. Pacific Coast

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  1. This is what it would look like when the auxlights is installed. Almost daylight... To big picture so I couldnt upload it here. http://vtl.nu/exljus/exljus2.jpg
  2. Anyone who knows what brand these wheels are? And maybe available sizes as I would love these in 17" on my TC Found it! Ford Focus ST. Only available in 18" from Ford..
  3. One dollar is about 6,6 swedish kronor. So you have to divide the price with 6,6 to get the price in us dollar. Mr B
  4. I will be ordering this from Sweden and if someone else is interested please contact me and I will order some more. Even to other cars. Check out www.transportstyling.se for their products. Its in swedish but feel free to ask and I will try to answer. Mr B
  5. Yes that may be thru but we hate to not see animals and things like that in the dark...
  6. Its only chromed plastic. Not some metal thing at all.
  7. Has anyone seen these styling options in the us or do I have to order them from Sweden?
  8. In a few weeks when my new auxilary lights arrive from Sweden i will mount my three new 60w HID auxilary lights on the TC. I will also convert to HID on both low and high beam. And there will be fog lights on it to. Of course with LED... Probably there will also be two new LED backlights. Yes, I like lights especially when driving in the dark.
  9. Exactly. In a few weeks my auxilary light from Sweden arrives and then there will be light... I will have three of these with 60w HID in the front. Back in Sweden we had two of those but with 75w on our Volkswagen Passat Alltrack (a wonderful car) and when turning on high beam it was daylight. These 60w is all new tech so Im really couriuos to see how the high beam will be on the TC.
  10. Yes. Glutenfree and all good. Try it, you love it...
  11. This is our new Van for delivery. We run a small bakery/cafe on Johnson street, Santa Fe, NM with all glutenfree baked goods and needed a small van for delivery and we really liked the TC. Its going to be fitted with advertising wrapping in a few weeks and I will build shelves in the back. Some nice alloys will also be fitted to our van. Im going to install both HIDs and front fog lights. Probably LEDs. CrazySwede
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