I’m in the UK , Scotland to be more precise. & what with our awful weather,, we get rust & Rot in everything & everywhere!! The bonnet lock is a very common problem, 99% of people I know who’ve had this problem just drilled the pins out the lock / barrel & use a screwdriver to open it, I’m searching as I need to get mines opened, it’s spent 3 days in a “back street garage!” To get new injector seals, P/S pipe & a radiator, only reason I got the garage to do it is so if any faults appear their liable lol , I could do it myself but the injectors are a baUGHER anyways after 3 days I got impatient went to said garage , Vans sitting outside ,, I’m thinking “Could’ve phone me when it was finished I need that van on the road!”
they hadn’t even got the bonnet opened! So long & short is drill it out & you could replace it with a barrel from say a breakers yard or eBay or the the likes of,, , a small stubby screwdrivers how I’ll be opening mines as the locking mechanism is still all there its access to it & how often are you opening the “HOOD” (bonnet lol) & are folk actually watching, that’s all for me a big read for a small problem, kinda like my injector seals a BIG £$$£ job for penny ms worth of brass washers????✌?✌?