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Dreaded Squeak from Sliding Door Upper Roller


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Folks my ~35k 22' FTC has developed a rather persistent squeak on the driver side sliding door. I've pinpointed where it's coming from and specifically it's from the white roller wheel/bearing (pic attached). 


It only squeaks with the door closed. I've checked all mounting points and they are solidly on there with no movement. The roller is horizontal when installed, and it seems whenever there's vibration (bumpy roads, slightly imperfect freeway roads, etc...) the long roller arm has a tendency to vibrate/flex, causing the white wheel to rub against the track and that's where the squeak is coming from.


I've tried cleaning it thoroughly with a water/soap - no luck, cleaning it with isopropyl - no luck, adding a dab of bearing grease to the wheel contact point - no luck, and even adding a bit of WD40 to both the track and wheel surface - still no luck. I was thinking next I could just place a bit of tape on the track where the wheel rests in closed position. But I figured I'd pop in here and see if anybody has a better solution. I did search the forum and didn't find any resolution to this specific issue.



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