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Everything posted by dysruptor

  1. WARNING and DISCLAIMER: The screenshot below shows how to disable position lamps to be more discrete, but this should ONLY be done when camping and then reversed when driving. The "position" lamps are your tail lights when your headlights are on, so if you leave them disabled, you will have no rear lights illuminated when your headlights are on. I have a 2019 Transit Connect with BCMii and also no 726-01-08, but I figured out how to turn off all the annoying lights (i.e. approach lights) when camping. See my screenshot for the specific items that I switched to "Disabled" or "Not Used". Unfortunately I don't see an option to turn off the position lamps when ONLY parked so this has to be reversed when driving at night (see warning above). It would be nice if there was a "Position" option instead of the "Position and Park" option. By the way, the "Police Car Dark Mode" just seems to allow you to turn off the backlighting on the gauges/dials etc so that the interior can be darker when parked if desired. You just turn the brightness all the way down (the minus sign button to the left of the headlight dial) to turn the lights off.
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