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About jallenz

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    U.S. Northeast

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  1. How can the dealer state it is optional when the Ford Factory brochure states lists it under "standard equipment"? I would (and am going to) print this out and bring it to them. You can see it listed on page 21 under XLT wagon interior here: http://cdn.dealerepr...nsitconnect.pdf. Note, it does not have a superscript number next to it indicating it is an option, as does for example, the Crew Chief option. I suspect they are all shipped here without them, and in the conversion process it's sometimes forgotten.....
  2. Thanks for the help. I was looking for the lazy way out, but as per the recommendation on this thread I bought a wiring diagram off Ebay for 40 bucks, hopefully it arrives this weekend.
  3. Ok thanks. I'd be interested in trying to purchase the wiring diagram if I could figure out where to get it from. I plan on having this car for a while, and it would sure be worth having in the long run. Cant seem to find out where to buy it from though.
  4. Hi, Wondering if anyone knows if Ford uses a constant wire color for circuits that get power when the key is in the "on" position? Basically, I'm trying to install a simple 5 wire relay to controll the front power point outlet so that it is hot only when key on. I figure to install the relay power side in line with the current feed to the power point and use "key on" power to control the relay. This way the outlet is still fed off the factory fuse. I cant seem to find a wiring diagram anywhere on line for my 2014 TC, but figure the main circuits use the same color wires across most ford platforms? At least, that is the way it was when I worked on VW's.....
  5. Hi I just purchased a 2014 TC Wagon XLT thanks to all the new dealer incentives to get rid of the old. Just wondering if anyone with an XLT has the overhead sunglass holder with child view mirror that the dealer info says comes standard on XLTs? There is just a plastic panel where it should be on mine. You can see it listed on page 21 under XLT wagon interior here: http://cdn.dealereprocess.com/cdn/brochures/ford/2014-transitconnect.pdf and it shows up in a video at 9:36 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Xg0p-E1gZ8 kind of annoying not to have it, as all my other vehicles have had one and I like using them. (the glasses holder that is, not the mirror). Just curious what else is out there.
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