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About Oneida101

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  1. They are not going to remove and replace the panels with one to another especially the rear Panels are Structural so as my brother said and he works for GM they would not waste the money to do that much just to lower their import costs like their new Small Van that is coming in from China "City Express" and he said they would not waste the time reworking it to do that. Again This from someone that works in the Automotive Industry and has for 18 years at GM... So again that will not be what actually happens just to save some import costs. Oneida101
  2. The one I use has only 1 window on the passenger sliding side door not in the rear panels on the drivers side along the sides or the rear doors on the back of it. Again some are different as to what they are built looks like the one I have is a little different being there is no access panels on that side and the tire jack is not in the access panel on the drivers side it is behind the passenger seat and the manual does not show this either. Maybe being the one you are working on being it has windows all the way around is different. the panels sound to be different having solid metal panels on the rear quarters not windows! Thanks for the info but again there is no panel on that side in the rear to gain access... We have looked at it a couple times by different people thinking there should be but solid metal top to bottom there. Oneida101
  3. There is no gray panel there on the Transit I use there is nothing but the White Panel along that entire area. I have had a few guys look at it and they wrench on cars all the time and they saw the push pins around the plastic that surround the gas filler tube but nothing on the inside to gain access that was their first thought but we empty the van out and there was nothing as to a panel to access maybe I have an early model it was built in the Country of Turkey. And since the design of the Transit have been changed my brother owns one now and it is not a utility van at least the one he got it has windows around the sides not metal panels like the utility version I use. Thanks for the info I once worked on cars years ago and they were easier to replace anything like the gas door on my Corvette just a couple of screws and it was out not the Transit it is hidden with little means of access... I think it is a 2012 model... The door came in white with not lock just the hole for one being the Transit I drive is White with some vinyl company logo on it. Oneida101
  4. Thanks but there is no access panel on the inside of the back of the Transit I use for work! I have the part but no one knows how to access the location where the gas door attaches to it looks like you will need to have a lift to raise up the van to possible gain access to this it is not a simple opening an panel on that side and removing the fasteners and putting in the new part. Today who ever design s this never thinks about a simple servicing means to replace it the one on the Transit I use being it Plastic broken off last winter when it was icy out I slide near the gas pump and snapped off the door. I can only imagine what a Collision Shop would charge to do this my employer has yet to notice the door being broken. I have the door but no one knows how to replace it. I have the old one with the lock sitting between the seats. It has been a long time since I asked about this. And the Manuals have little detailed information to give any good ways to replace it. Looks like it is only maybe a Ford Collision Shop that might know how and that means big money... Thanks but I had some guys that work on cars look and they were not sure how to get access to what is holding the broken piece in place. The part was about 40.00 ordered it online from a Ford Parts Dealer had it with a few days but when I looked for an access panel inside the Transit there was none on the one I use... So It is still sitting on my work table waiting to see if anyone has did this? Oneida101
  5. Thanks but it is sad when I looked for information 25 years ago before the internet for a 1973 Corvette you could find manuals everywhere and they had parts breakdowns that had everything you were looking for today the manuals are 6 times the cost and though this Transit is a 2012 there should be all kinds of parts breakdown for it especially now with the internet and yet there is "nothing" the limit info suggests they are holding out for high cost manuals to make money. I remember Chilton's you could go to a library and find all kinds of information I guess times have changed... Oneida101
  6. Precisionair, Thanks for the additional information you recently provided, gives me a place to start... Oneida101
  7. 103west43rd, I appreciate your post I am also looking at the safety aspect because a Garage here in Detroit was removing a gas tank and when they cut the support strap it ignited the fumes and burned down the garage this last week... I have the part 2T1Z-61405A26-AA and there is nothing as to holes for screws/ rivet nothing to attach it to anything. It has a c shaped arm bracket that is molded to the door itself and that is where it snapped off right at the door. Have yet to take a close look just looked at the screws holding the plastic around the filler tube. I think I saw 2 the c shape part of the door part hooks into and past/ thru this plastic that so the door can swing out when you unlock the gas door but being it just got to maybe 30 degrees this week here and with the wind chill it is maybe mid 20's and lower as the wind picks up. I was hoping from the forecast to get out to take a closer look but it is to be another Polar Vortex is in the forecast here... I want to thank you for the info but looks like even though I have the part it looks to be a body shop job. And I know about the stop being the gas door is not closed and latched there the passenger side sliding door stops about half way you have to push in the hinge part of the gas filler door to be able to open that door all the way nice but the door is not heavy duty enough and should have a better design I just bumped it in zero degrees and it snapped off... Oneida101
  8. Precisionair, Cannot send you a pm because I don't have the required amounts of posts to use the PM Feature... Thanks though... Oneida101
  9. Thanks I have the part but I am now at a loss as to how it is held in place it just has a curved arm bracket with a hook near the end no holes or anything to attach it to anything? The information is not out there, the parts break down has little from Ford it just shows the door part little more. I guess those that sell a body manual is where they make their money because in the old days they would show a parts break down with everything in that area and a glimpse of how they are align to each other. Today there is nothing. I guess because the Transit Connect I drive was assembled in Turkey... And so far I would guess a body shop would have to replace the broken door but that is not going to happen soon so I thought I would try and do it... But with the lack of information, pictures I guess It will be this way till it has high miles and traded in... So much for information on the Ford Transit Connect and finding information anything on this... Oneida101
  10. Can someone advise if it is possible to Replace the Gas Filler Door? is there a manual with pictures of how to gain access if it is possible. The one on my Work Truck Snapped off in the extreme cold weather. I have google search for any information and could not find any on this. Might there be a manual with pictures or possible a video online that shows this how to replace the gas filler door? Is it held in place with Screws or Rivets? Is there a way to access what holds it in place? Any information would be appreciated. It is a 2012 Transit Connect. Oneida101
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