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About darkknight1999

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    U.S. Northeast

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  1. Ok So I have had my TC for a year now. I live in Ma, so we see a fair amount of snow each year. So the roads can get pretty slick. On those days its really bad I just take my Jeep to work. However 95% of the time I drive my TC to work since its my work van. Now although I have some complaints about the TC, the thing that drives me the craziest is the traction control. Its seriously going to get me killed. This must be the same traction control system that we had in our Volvo V50... It does the same crazy crap. So my question is, does anyone know if Ford offers an up fit switch that can be installed into my TC so I can turn the traction control off... because if not I'm just going to pull fuse and leave it turned off permanently. It's the second worst system I have ever been stuck having to deal with, unless of course it is the same system as the Volvo... in which case its the worst. That was one of the reasons we traded in the Volvo... among a laundry list of other reasons to get rid of that car. That thing can couldn't get out of the driveway in an inch of snow... it was just ridiculous. The TC does slightly better, I think only because I have more weight in the TC. Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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