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  1. Are there any plans to make a more powerful transit in the near future? The present day one ( 4 cylinder) seems like it might be underpowered especially when hauling heavy loads.
  2. I am considering using the transit as a video production vehicle. Being a 4 cylinder engine makes me wonder if it'll have enough power to haul heavy loads without getting bogged down. I'm guessing I'll be hauling around 6-800lbs. Has anyone had those lbs loaded in it, and if so how was the acceleration? 0-60 in days?? Thanks
  3. Thanks for the insight. I will not need the vehicle to power any lights just haul gear.
  4. Not sure how much power I need. I presently have a 1993 Toyota Truck (V-6). The TC has more load capacity (1600) than my truck does. I'm guessing that I could be hauling loads from 600-800lbs. Being a 4 cylinder makes me wonder if it will have enough power. I understand the TC has a unique gearing ratio that helps with the load weight. Not sure how the power to pull.
  5. Can the rear seats come out and be put back in easily? And can I choose which side the single seat is on (probably not)? I need to use the vehicle for BOTH personal and work use. I'm thinking about buying one as a film and video production van. I think I will need at least one window in the back so a back seat passenger has a window to look out; if the other side is windowless I can put shelves up. And will the "slots" (where it connects to the floor) for the back seat pose any problems when the seat is out? What other major differences are there between the cargo van (which is windowless) and the wagon (which has windows). Thanks for responding.
  6. Is there anyone out there that has purchased a TC that is using it as a film & video production vehicle? If so how is that working? Enough room? Enough power? I haven't bought one yet but I'm thinkin' about it. Love to hear from anyone that is, or has used one for film and video production.
  7. Has anyone ever used a TC as a film & video production vehicle? If so how was it? Big enough? Enough power etc? I haven't bought one but I'm lookin' into it.

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