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Everything posted by jpoletta

  1. It was all from a 2012. 2012 to 14 is the same 15 to 18 has a cylinder head temperature sensor so just match the pcm to the engine. Some codes will have to be tuned out as there are some small differences. The shifter came from Europe and just needed a slight mod to work the cables are also from Europe. It's all pretty much bolt up. The pedal assembly is from the 12 focus.
  2. I just bought a used 2012 tranny with around 50k on it. It cost around 200 bucks. The transmissions and engines are dirt cheap in Florida. They don't go bad often so there is no demand for them. The same yard I got my tanny from had a 100k mile one for 150 and an 8k mile one for 250
  3. All the work was done myself. At first I tried to get it working with the 2.5 but couldn't get the auto trans switches in the pcm to switch off. I believe it's because that pcm was never used in a manual transmission vehicle. Finally I just decided to go with the focus engine and pcm.
  4. Engine, transmission, and pcm from a 2014 focus. A bit of wiring and pin changing. My first attempt was with the 2.5 but couldn't kill the auto tranny switch in the stock pcm so it was in limp mode. The swap itself wouldn't be bad now that everything I figured out. I'll probably wind up putting and ST engine in it next now that all of the bugs are worked out.
  5. I have successfully converted my 2015 to a manual. I've been using it for work the past month and have put around 2k miles on it with no issues. If anyone is looking to start this project for themselves I'd be happy to answer any questions and share my experiences with it. I'm in the Tampa Bay area
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